Thursday 13 June 2013

Week 3 Response

1. Compare and contrast types of instructional software with respect to constructivist and directed instruction theories (or other general learning theories).

Instructional software is software specifically designed to deliver or assist with student instruction.  While application software such as word processing and spreadsheets can enhance instructional activities, instructional software is developed for the sole purpose of supporting instruction and/or learning. The various types of instructional software that I will compare and contrast include Drill and Practice, Tutorials, Simulations, Instructional Games, Problem Solving, and Integrated Learning Systems (ILS). To compare and contrast types of instructional software with respect to constructivist and directed instruction theories, I will use the generalized description of each form of software, as each individual software is characterized by its own features and functions. 

  • Drill and Practice – This type of software provides exercises where students work on examples, usually one at a time, and receive feedback on their correctness. Programs will vary in the kind of feedback they provide, ranging from “Correct” or “Try again” to elaborate responses or animated diplays. Since Drill and Practice Software uses repetition and aids students in memorizing, it supports Direct Learning. Students do not construct their knowledge.
  • Tutorials – Tutorial software provides an entire instructional sequence on a topic, similar to a teacher’s classroom instruction.  Students using a tutorial should be able to learn the topic without any other help or materials. Tutorials may be confused for drills because they often provide practice sequence for student conprehension. Since students have little to no input, these types of software also follow direct learning and do not follow a constructivist approach.

  • Simulations – These computerized models are designed to teach students how a real or imagined system works.  Unlike the drill and practice and tutorial software that has the teaching built into it, simulations have learners choose tasks to do and the order in which to do them. Whether simulation software follows direct instruction theories or constructivist learning theories will depend on the software itself. Those programs which teach “how to” or that demonstrate something, are more closesly related to direct learning. Those which allow the learner to seek answers and explore, follow a more constructivist approach.
  • Instructional Games – Instructional games may follow direct learning or contrustivist theories, depending on the design of the game. Many instructional games use drill and practice, repetition, and memorization for reward. These games follow directed instruction theory.  Instructional games which allow students to use their current knowledge to build and extend their knowledge, supports a constructivist approach.
  • Problem Solving – While simulation and instructional games often help with problem solving skills, problem solving software is developed especially for this purpose. Problem solving software could encourage basic problem solving skills or approaches, or they may offer opportunities for solving various specific content-related problems.  Programs which deliver information related to problem solving and do not require students to utilize any prior knowledge, are those which follow a more direct learning approach. Those programs which allow students to explore, promote reflective learning, and offer opportunities for collaborative work, follow a more constructivist approach.
  • Integrated Learning Systems (ILS)– ILSs offer computer based learning to support instruction, along with reports of student progress. Since Integrated Learning Systems can include all forms of instructional software listed above, it may serve to support both directed instruction or a constructivist learning approach.  

2. Under what context would you use the various types of instructional software (i.e. what subject, grade level, setting, student-ability level, etc.)

I currently teach grade 9 math and science. I do not have a lot of experience with using instructional software, but will consider how each type would enhance my classroom activities.

  • Drill and Practice -  I see the benefit of drill and practice for helping any grade level student in any subject, who is needing to transfer information to their long-term memory.  Drill and practice software is also an alternative for teachers considering giving worksheet exercises that serve to achieve the same goal. I personally can see myself using it for level 1 and 2 math related questions, perhaps in preparation for a quiz or test, but I can also see the benefit for memorizing other topics such as provinces and their capitals, typing skills, musical keys, and rules for English grammar. For drill and practice to be used effectively, I think teachers must use it as practice and reinforcement of obtained skills and knowledge, not for introducing new skills or concepts. Also, students must be able to focus on the task at hand in order to benefit from the software.
  • Tutorials – I see tutorials being helpful for students who are able to grasp concepts independently, without the aid of an instructor.  I see the benefits of a station for a self-contained, self-paced learning structure with the subjects and grade level that I teach. I can see branching tutorials being more benefical than linear tutorials, in order to meet the needs of the varying level of abilities within the classroom.
  • Simulations – I think simulation software could be useful for any subject or grade level. I have some experience with simulation software in my science classes. I have made use of Sunburst’s Virtual Labs software for simulating various optics and electricity experiments, and recognize the time and resources it has saved. I also recognize the repetition that is provided (without a cost).  Simulations are also beneficial when experiments may be dangerous or expensive. When I was teaching grade 11 Biology, we did a virtual fetal pig dissection, which would not have been possible to do in “real life” due to expenses.  Simulations may be useful for slowing down processes that occur quickly, for example, if a Physical Education teacher was showing a the movement of muscles as a ball is thrown.
  • Instructional Games – I can see the benefit of instructional games for students for all subjects and grade levels. Depending on the software, a game may be presented to individuals, students in groups, or to a whole class. For me, instructional games in the classroom provide opportunities for learning, while providing a challenge.  I like that games serve to motivate students and entertain them while they learn.  While I have not used instructional game software,  I have created my own “Jeopardy” games for teams to compete.  I see how instructional games could supplement worksheets or other exercises, and serve to engaging students who may be uninterested in traditional forms of learning. I think instructional games might be used well as a reward for deserving students. 
  • Problem – Solving – Problem solving software promote thinking skills, critical thinking, higher level thinking, reasoning, use of logic, and decision making. Teachers should be sure that the software is appropriate for the students’ level and ability, otherwise confusion and frustration may occur.  I have used Geometer’s Sketchpad software, which is designed to scaffold students as they practice solving complex problems. 
  • Integrated Learning System – It appears to me that Integrated Learning Systems could benefit most learners, as long as they are geared appropriately.  This “one-stop shop” approach runs the gamete of instructional software, and would be beneficial for the ability to maintain records of student progress, provide printouts, allow collaboration amoung students, and provide online networking. While I have seen many acronyms used for Moodle (CMS – Course Management System, LMS – Learning Management System, VLE – Virtual Learning Environment) Moodle has features of an ILS, which I been receiving inservicing and preparing to incorporate in my classes in the near future.

3. What learning theory(ies) are at play for the software applications that have been mentioned during your discussion?

Having little experience with instructional software in my classroom, I will need to make a few assumptions based on what I have learned about these software to link learning theories to these software applications. 

As already mentioned in my discussions, instructional software such as drill and practice and tutorials mainly follow the behaviourist theory, more specifically, a directed instructional approach, as information is divulged, or repetition is used, in order to achieve a specific objective. This form of software does not allow for students to construct their knowledge.

Although I did not discuss the cognitive theory of learning in my discussions, various types of instructional software would follow with these theories.  Considering students as active participants in their learning (rather than respondants to stimuli), instructional software that are developed for students to use their knowledge and skills for learning experiences support the cognitive theory. 

As already mentioned, instructional software, especially simulations, instructional games, problem solving, and ILS, can be developed to support the constructivist learning theory. 

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